Cell Line : HEC-108

Cellosaurus Index : CVCL_2923
Cellosaurus ID : HEC-108

CTRP1 Name , CTRP2 Name : HEC108

Cancer Type : endometrium
Dataset : All

Drug Response Information

Click to show/hide information cards below or download all drug response information.


Information cards below will change according to the dataset selected. The default dataset is “All”, which means information in the cards is based on the integration. If “All” is not selected, information cards will contain drug response information preprocessed for each dataset independently.


Experimental information

Experimental information from All dataset, including cell line name, drug name, and minimum and maximum dosages used in each experiment. Click on Dose-response to query more detail for each experiment.


IC50 indicates how much drug dosage is needed to inhibit the cells by 50%, in vitro, compared to the control well.

Drugs with highest and lowest IC50


IC90 indicates how much drug dosage is needed to inhibit the cells by 90%, in vitro, compared to the control well.

Drugs with highest and lowest IC90


AUC represents the area under a dose-response curve, where 0% indicates no activity and 100% indicates that a drug completely inhibits the cells across testing dosages.

Drugs with highest and lowest AUC