CTRP2 Name
: ML083
CTRP1 Name
: ASN 05257430
Dataset : All
Synonyms :
Targets : PKM
Pathways : activator of muscle pyruvate kinase (PKM2)
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Information cards below will change according to the dataset selected. The default dataset is “All”, which means information in the cards is based on the integration. If “All” is not selected, information cards will contain drug response information preprocessed for each dataset independently.
Experimental information from All dataset, including drug name, cell line name, and minimum and maximum dosages used in each experiment. Click on Dose-response to query more detail for each experiment.
Drug name | Cellosaurus ID | Original Dataset(s) | Min Dose | Max Dose | Dose-response |
Drug name | Cellosaurus ID | Original Dataset(s) | Min Dose | Max Dose | Dose-response |
ASN 05257430 | MCF-7 | CTRP2,CTRP1 | 0.0011 | 37.0000 |
ASN 05257430 | GAMG | CTRP2,CTRP1 | 0.0011 | 37.0000 |
ASN 05257430 | LN-229 | CTRP2,CTRP1 | 0.0011 | 37.0000 |
ASN 05257430 | SF295 | CTRP2,CTRP1 | 0.0011 | 37.0000 |
ASN 05257430 | HEC-108 | CTRP2,CTRP1 | 0.0011 | 37.0000 |
ASN 05257430 | HEC-151 | CTRP2,CTRP1 | 0.0011 | 37.0000 |
ASN 05257430 | HEC-251 | CTRP2,CTRP1 | 0.0011 | 37.0000 |
ASN 05257430 | HEC-265 | CTRP2,CTRP1 | 0.0011 | 37.0000 |
ASN 05257430 | HEC-59 | CTRP2,CTRP1 | 0.0011 | 37.0000 |
ASN 05257430 | HEC-6 | CTRP2,CTRP1 | 0.0011 | 37.0000 |