Biomarker information

Drug-gene associations based on IC50 and mutation (or gene expression) profile. IC50 value was estimated using the integrated dose-response curve.

Gene : PDS5B
Drug Name : AZD5363
Cancer type : pancan

Association Information

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Drug-gene association (IC50 vs mutation)

Ranksum’s effect size was calculated by comparing IC50 between mutant and wide-type cell lines (more detail).

CREAMMISTOriginal sourceEffect sizeDataset

Drug-gene association (IC50 vs gene expression)

Spearman correlation was calculated by comparing IC50 and gene expression (TMM) across cell lines (more detail).

CREAMMISTOriginal sourceSpearman correlationDataset

IC50 vs mutation

Relationships between IC50 and mutation profiles base on "All" dataset.

IC50 Log2 Concentration (μM)N = 81N = 862

IC50 vs gene expression

Relationships between IC50 and gene expression profiles base on "All" dataset.

Gene expression (Log2 TPM)IC50 Log2 Concentration (μM)