Biomarker information

Drug-gene associations based on IC50 and mutation (or gene expression) profile. IC50 value was estimated using the integrated dose-response curve.

Gene : GC
Drug Name : JW-7-24-1
Cancer type : pancan

Association Information

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Drug-gene association (IC50 vs mutation)

Ranksum’s effect size was calculated by comparing IC50 between mutant and wide-type cell lines (more detail).

CREAMMISTOriginal sourceEffect sizeDataset

Drug-gene association (IC50 vs gene expression)

Spearman correlation was calculated by comparing IC50 and gene expression (TMM) across cell lines (more detail).

No data / less than cut off

IC50 vs mutation

Relationships between IC50 and mutation profiles base on "All" dataset.

IC50 Log2 Concentration (μM)N = 40N = 859

IC50 vs gene expression

Relationships between IC50 and gene expression profiles base on "All" dataset.

No data / less than cut off